Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)


The tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty) removes excess fat and skin and approximates and strengthens the weak /separated abdominal muscles creating a smooth and firm abdomen. Remember a tummy tuck cannot replace a healthy lifestyle and a weight loss and exercise plan. Tummy tucks can improve but not totally correct stretch marks

It may be combined with a liposuction procedure for greater impact

 Who is a good candidate for surgery?

  • You are physically healthy and at a stable weight
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You are a nonsmoker
  • You are bothered by the appearance of your abdomen

How to prepare for the surgery.

Dr Aditya shall discuss your past medical history in detail to determine your candidacy for the procedure. The procedure shall be explained to you in detail.

Doctor shall discuss the following:

  • Tummy tuck options.
  • Course of treatment.
  • Likely outcomes and the potential risks involved.
  • Take pictures of the.

Before Surgery:

  • Evaluation of general health status.
  • Medical examination including tests.
  • Physical examination:
  • Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin and ibuprofen that may interfere with the healing process.
  • Stop smoking and alcohol at least 4 weeks before the surgery.

After Surgery:

  • Arrange for help to be driven home from the hospital.
  • Plan to stay home and limit activities for a few days after surgery.

How is Surgery done?


  • The procedure is usually done under General anesthesia.

Steps of the Procedure:

 Incision or cuts are usually given along the pelic line so as to minimize the visibility of the scar

The scar is easily hidden under a bikini

The abdominal skin is then lifted and the underlying weak muscles repaired

A second incision may be given around the navel to remove excess skin and reposition the navel

The upper abdomen skin is then pulled down like a window shade .The excess skin is trimmer and a new opening for the belly button is created which is then sutured into position ,

The cuts are then closed with sutures and tapes

The results are immediately visible

Time to Operate:

  • This depends on the surgeon and individual candidate. However, the average time taken to operate is about 3-4 hours.

Possible Complications and Risks:

  • Anesthetic risks
  • After the surgery, some patients may temporarily have Pain, swelling, bruising and discharge

Care after the Procedure

A personalized pressure garment will need to be worn for almost 4 weeks after the procedure

The early results will be visible in 3-5 days as the swelling settles, within 2 weeks these will be very clear and the final results will be visible within 2-3 months

Dr. Aditya Aggarwal is a renowned Senior Aesthetic Surgeon who has trained at premier national and international institutions. He is the President of the Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (2023-24).